Thursday, May 24, 2012

They want typewriters, not iPods

I just thought this bit of news was worth reblogging from Kevin L. Ferguson's typecast:

"I’m heartened that at least 2/3 (so far) of the winners of a college-wide student writing contest have elected to take, as their prize, a typewriter rather than an iPod."

You can see the machines here.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Typosphere Keyword-o-Rama

(Idea shamelessly stolen from the munchkin wrangler)

Besides obsessively reloading the stats on my own blog, I thought all you fine folks might want a little view behind the Typospherical curtain. Here are the keywords folks used to locate this fine site this past week:


Hi! Yes, you found us! Unless you were looking for the Web Home of Science Fiction Writer Ron Collins or the Ruby language blogging software. Then you might be a bit lost and very confused.

typewriters for sale

Not here, sadly. If you have deep pockets, you can look at Mr. Typewriter or My Typewriter. If you're in the New York City area, maybe Brady & Kowalski can hook you up. If you're fortunate enough to live near a repair shop, I'm sure they have some machines you can come in and try: Tom at Cambridge Typewriter spreads typer-joy, as do the fine folks at Blue Moon Camera and Machine. Or Mesa Typewriter Exchange. A good search engine will be your friend here.

Don't discount local, though. Flea markets, church bazaars, yard sales, thrift and charity shops. Typewriters are uncommon until you start finding them. Oh yeah, and that big auction site, but be wary of careful packing. Typewriters are fragile critters.

custom typewriter

Maybe you're thinking of Richard Polt's "silver surfer" technique? Or just spend some time clicking around the blog links over on the right: lots of us have painted or decorated our own machines. I'm currently taking a hard look at a grubby old Skyriter after seeing this racing-inspired customizing.

welcome to the typosphere

Hi, yes. We've met.

10-characters-per-inch pica 87 font

You probably want to go look at Ted's scans of the NOMDA blue books, which have typeface styles. Sounds like you got in reallly close and read that little number on the typeslug. You've got better eyes than I do.

bicycle typerider nyt

You must mean Maya Stein. Isn't this a great thing? We already know that typewriters like to be photographed out-of-doors, but who knew they liked interstate bike rides, too?

christopher lockett seattle

Chris is the director of the typewriter documentary "The Typewriter in the 21st Century." He's a nice guy, too, and I'm not just saying that because he ran a microphone up my shirt. Amazingly soft hands, Chris has.

dean jones kasbah mod

And speaking of customized typewriters. I get itchy to buy paint and noxious chemicals when I take a look at these machines.

hammacher schlemmer manual typewriter

"is probably crap." There, I finished that for you.

Little old us once again. Thanks for visiting!

Friday, May 11, 2012

NY Times features Type Rider

The New York Times has just published a nice story about Maya Stein's "Type Rider" project:

See also:

The Type-Rider site
The Kickstarter site

Bikes and typers -- a natural combination!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Campy Rhinos?

Nano Rhino

Anyone out there in the 'sphere going to give Camp Nanowrimo a try this year? It's like regular NaNoWriMo, but held in June and August. I tried this last year, but had trouble working up the motivation to write every day during the peak of a California summer when the pool was so inviting. I could be convinced to "cheat" this year and spend a month rewriting and digitizing my 2011 draft. I appear to be crippled into inaction without a menacing deadline hanging over my head. Seems like this would be the perfect time of year for our Southern Hemisphere members to play along, too, as it's the depths of winter.

Anyone? I could be convinced to slap a little sunblock on the Nano Rhino. He's been hiding on my desk since November, and might enjoy the chance to dance on the keys again.