Monday, March 7, 2011

Typosphere Roll Call

Do you type? Do you blog? Do you dabble in that weird offspring known as typecasting? Then you, too, are part of the Typosphere. There are a number of personal blogs and sites out there dedicated to typewriters and their uses in the twenty-first century, and we'd like to hear from you.

If you're typecasting or otherwise using typewriters in some capacity, please comment on this post with:
  1. The URL of your blog/site and an optional brief write-up: just a sentence or two
  2. Your name, or preferred nom de plume if you're shy
  3. Your approximate location in the world (to be published here on a map)
Thanks all!


  1. And I'll go:

    My Name's Mike Clemens, I live in the San Francisco East Bay area, and I run a blog at:

    It's a snapshot of my sporadic obsessions, which fluctuate among fountain pens, paper, ink, film cameras, typewriters, pinball machines, watches, thrift stores, mail art, parenting, and NaNoWriMo for about a quarter of the year.

  2. I am Ryan Adney, an English teacher, from Phoenix, Arizona. I blog at:

    My blog has two strands. The first strand is the introduction of typewriters into a classroom setting. The second strand covers my personal interests, comments, and observations of typewriters. The two strands mix and mingle and emerge as Magic Margin.

  3. I am the Right Reverend Theodore Munk, from Mesa, Arizona. My typecasting and other things typewriter-y are here:

    There are some informative articles there, but mostly it's me squee-ing over my collection.

  4. I am Ryan, and I maintain a blog called A Treatise on Pedestrianism. It is located at

    It is not all about walking, but in spirit it is.

  5. Hi, I'm Elizabeth, and my blog is Little Flower Petals.

    My blog is about life, the universe, and everything, with a heavy emphasis on typewriters, pencils, fountain pens, and other writing gadgets and whatsits, and the stories and poems and essays produced with their aid.

  6. I'm rad-tastic, and I live in the allergen rampant state of Pennslyvania.

    I blog here:

    and I'm the first to admit that it's pretty lame for a blog.

  7. I'm Art, from Ars de Carta, and have a teammate in Melusine.

    We're generally located in Utah, and online at:

    Our snippet:
    2 crazy friends, writing about the things we love. Letters and notes and ephemera and the sheer joy of writing, and anything else that comes to mind. We want to share that with a world that sometimes loses track of how cool these things can be.

  8. My name is Bob Skrezyna. I live in North Aurora, Il. with my wife and 2 kids (33 kids if you count my typewriter collection!) I typecast over at:

    My screenname is "wordrebel" (you can follow me on Twitter @wordrebel ) - and I also run a copywriting and creative service company called Word Rebel, Ink.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My blog is called
    La Vie Graphite
    ... and I write and illustrate all the essays and various entries.
    From my perspective, the writer's life- as a pilgrimage of trust, involves the tools of writing, such as pencils, pens, typewriters, books, journals, and libraries. I use the tools, and travel with them to many places, though my blog isn't really about the tools themselves.

    My home is Portland, Maine.

  11. My blog is at
    It's mostly about my growing typewriter collection but occasionally I throw in a drawing or a hand-carved stamp impression.

  12. Off to a great start! I've already learned some things.

    I'm Richard Polt. I typecast about typewriting at I've also been running The Classic Typewriter Page since 1995 and have edited ETCetera, a magazine for typewriter collectors, since 2006.

  13. I'm Steve Powell and I live in the "Upstate" of South Carolina. is mostly a scrapbook for things I find interesting.

    Six Mile is the nearest town to me and thus the name of my 1926 Chandler & Price Letterpress.

    I have only one typewriter, a portable Olympia, but I'm working with Tom Furrier to remedy that.

  14. Greets...
    Michael McGettigan
    aka phillytyper dot com.

    I have a lot of bikes (8 or 9) but somehow now have 12 typewriters (going to set some free!)...dang make that 13...

    Live in Philadelphia and run (er, surprise) a bike shop called trophybikes... and use Phillytyper first to document and publicize a typewriter jam session I called a Type-IN... and now to muse.

    Try to shoot B&W film and polaroid, and if I understood math, I would collect slide rules.

    Trying to kick the Moleskine habit as they are wicked expensive, and am moving sideways to Clairfontaine notebooks (slightly cheaper, more pages, less "legendary")...

    And am rolling my eyes at two events that each comprise the typist's equivalent of running a marathon... namely, Script Frenzy (soon) and National Novel Writing Month (in November)

    Wonder if this blog can have a iCal-looking section to put event dates in?
    cheers and thanks for starting it..
    phillytyper (at)
    for earthly mail
    Michael McGettigan
    c/o Trophy Bikes
    3131 Walnut St.
    Philadelphia PA 19104

  15. Hello all!
    My name is James and my blog is

    I, as well as many others have watched our little Typosphere grow and blossom. It has been an exciting few years.

    Long live the Typewriter!!

  16. My name is Mike Speegle and I live in Las Vegas...for now. I am guilty of the following:

    I likes me some typewriters, fountain pens, pencils, and basically anything else you can use to complete an exercise in hypergraphia. I further muse on the nature of writing, and the slow psychological damage that it has wrought upon my poor, tender cerebrum.

    I also want to be like Speculator and Richard P when I grow up.

  17. 1.

    2. shordzi

    3. Basel, Switzerland

  18. My name's Rino.

    I blog at

    It's very much about writing, ideas, observation, culture, music. As well as general blogging.

  19. 1. From the site: "A collection of poems, prose and other bits of writing about typewriters, family life, faith, books, and the town of Snohomish, Washington."

    2. Justin

    3. Snohomish, Washington

  20. Hello all,

    I am Judith from the Frozen Chosen state of WI. My blog is

    It's a modern version of the florilegia of ancient times, i.e., an anthology of entertaining items. I have at least three posts so far about the wonderfulness of typewriters.

    I am an avid letter writer, real and fictional, and employ typewriters regularly. Also enjoy doing mail art.

  21. I've got a blog about knitting, writing, and typewriters at


  22. Hi, I'm John (P.H. Cordner) of the Chicago Area. My typeblog is very young and can be found at

    I have a very broad editorial mandate, which includes the kind of goofy stuff I would do on my older blogs, and lots of typewriter and paper related stuff.

  23. Hi Mike, I have yet to typecast, but I'm certainly thinking about including it occasionally in my blog. I'm a self-employed graphic designer near Oxford, UK. My collection, useful links and blog are at:

  24. Hi there, I'm deek and I spend the majority of my free time procrastinating, which you can follow at:

    I live in Fort Wayne, IN.

  25. Hello, my name is Matthew Cidoni, I'm 16 years old, and one of the youngest typecasters of the typosphere. My blog is, and it is about my typewriters, various typewriters, happenings in my life, and of course, the typosphere!

  26. I am the mysterious M T Coalhopper, at least as far as the typosphere needs to know. There is something liberating about using a pen name, and I am loathe to give up my shroud of anonymity. My physical location is in Southwest Missouri, but my mind occasionally drifts to...

    Like most, I update my blog far too infrequently, and I would rather blame having to work for a living than innate slothfulness.

  27. I hope the similarity between this page and an addiction support group is lost lost on anyone.

    ...come to think of it, maybe that's just what it is.

  28. by "addiction support group" I assume you mean a group which supports the addiction, since it was only after discovering the typosphere that my typewriter count went from 4 (where it had been for some 10 or so years) to the present 15.

  29. @Speegle: funny how that worked out, isn't it? Though I didn't ask for a typewriter count, because that would be Acceptance of the problem, and we're too deep into Denial at this stage to worry about "fixing" anybody.

    @Ted: It's a dangerous game. The only way to cure yourself is to relentlessly scour thrift stores and antique shops and yard sales and Craigslist and Freecycle in the hopes of that One Big Score that will make you happy.

    Um, yeah. No support-group overtones at all.

    Map coming soon!

  30. Sorry, late to the party again (as always).

    I'm Devin, but I've gone by Duffy Moon since I've been online (back when dinosaurs roamed, etc etc).

    I can be found at:
    Duffy Moon Inc

    I started typecasting some time in the distant, hazy past when encouraged to do so by Strikethru's pioneering blog, and later shown how by Monda of "Fresh Ribbon" (which, where exactly are those two?!).

    My blog is a continuation of my long-running Live Journal ("The Mad Farmer Liberation Front") and focuses a lot on such things as typewriters, amateurish photography, even more amateurish poetry and personal essays, and about what it's like to be an aging semi-luddite in rural Ohio.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Frank DeFreitas from Typewriters Around the World, Allentown, PA, USA.

    A blog where the typewriters themselves enjoy the spotlight.

  33. @Frank de Freitas: You don't have a UK relative called Roger by any chance?

  34. Duffy and Frank, you're both on the list now (along with some others I shamefully omitted.)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I'm ToriForte, from Mesa Arizona. Munk got me into typewriters and now I can't stop! My blog "Carriage Return" is up at:

    and though there's not much there yet there will be!

  37. Boy, you can't nod off for a day in the typosphere these days without missing something epic.

    I am Cheryl of, from Seattle, Washington, USA. Typewriters, paper stuff, letters, thingymabobs.

  38. Fashionably late - I've got you beat, Strikethru!

    In case anyone is still reading the comments on this post, I'm Adwoa from Retro Tech Geneva ( and on my blog I write about my modest collection of typewriters, the machines I spot around the local flea markets in Geneva, and of my budding obsession with fountain pens, inks, and paper. You know, the usual, but with a decidedly European/ Swiss slant!

    @mpclemens - Thanks for putting me on the map, anyway :-)

  39. Hi, gmap code is available in a rich text file (rtf) here:

    Happy to add, delete, edit, collaborate on map.

    You can preview it here:

    Best wishes one and all.

  40. I'll have to check it out when I'm on a better PC. I'd much prefer letting a real map show our (general) location than my hand-made thing. And we'll keep it generic for privacy concerns. No need to hone in on anyone's street address.

  41. @mpclemens: Quite so. I think the "sphere" shape of the globe adds physicality to typo"sphere". Most are city or state locations though, obviously, you can zoom in to a very high degree of accuracy in Google maps. Hence the offer that, in the very unlikely event that the map pin actually coincides with a typecaster's specific location, I/one can easily shift the pin. Also the reason for leaving the pins' labels vague and not named. Thoughts welcome all-round. And anyone's welcome to paste the map code in their own pages. Updates will propagate automatically to any page where the code's embedded. Good fun!

  42. I hope you have included mu blog:
    Some of it is in Dutch, but I usually make an effort to provide an english translation.

    My location: Nassaukade 127 Amsterdam

    thanks in advance,
    dirk van weelden

  43. @dirkvanweelden: Welkom buurman! Your link is on the map, currently here:

  44. I'm at The Pipe and Grumble where I fiddle on old machines while musing on coming societal collapse with a mixture of dread and anticipation amid clouds of smoke.

  45. Dirk and Winston, welcome aboard! I've added you to the list.

  46. Don't know if it's too late, but anyway:

    Charles Stanford, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Archivist, aspiring novelist and songwriter/composer. I write screeds about senses and creeds (with typewriters, pencils and quills) on this blog:

  47. My chosen nom de plume is M.T. Coalhopper for reasons too convoluted to ennumerate, and I guess I can be open enough to say I live in Southwest Missouri. My blog site is

    The initial idea was to promote the impending proliferation of e-books, particularly the ones I would soon be writing...

  48. Hope I can still get in Mike.

    My name is Tom Furrier and I own a typewriter repair shop in Arlington MA. My blog is at

    I like to talk about the cool customers that come in the shop, the many kinds of typewriters I repair and sell and the great typewriter stories people tell me.

  49. @Tom, it's never too late. I put you on the map originally, but I've just updated your location. Welcome!

  50. Thanks for adding to the map, but I'm in New Hampshire, not Massachusetts. :)

    I'm Marko Kloos, a freelance scribbler, novelist, and stay-at-home father of two.

  51. Sorry Marko: I must have looked in the wrong place when I was digging through your blog. I'll update the location page and map forthwith.

  52. I've finally got my blog set up and will begin typecasting shortly. I'd love to have it listed here on the map and in the column with the other sites in the Typosphere. I'm located in Milford, NJ and my name is Rich Polinski.


  53. Just joined the typeosphere.
    Emerson Harris
    Portland, Oregon, USA

  54. Emerson, you're all linked up and on the map, on your new site.

  55. Hi! I'm Candace Louise (Satchmo for reasons to be specified in the future) and I live in Moscow, ID...

    my blog is at

    And it's so far been a place to dump a few thoughts, paragraphs & photographs every now and again. Hopefully typecasts of rambling wonderment will be added to the bunch soon. :)

    I mostly post about people I care about, people that exist now only in past tense, people I don't know, various animals, activities, and other things that interest & excite me.

    It's so neat to find out how many people are part of this!

  56. You're on the list now, Candace!

  57. Hmmn, this seems like the place to do this.

    I nominate for inclusion into THE TYPOSPHERE, the following blogs:

    Flynn Taggart
    from the keys of my 1949 Remington Portable
    A Softer World (this is actually a webcomic, and I'm not sure if they would object to being included, but since each comic is a mini-typecast I'm nominating them.)
    Covered With Papers
    The Brown Book
    Words are Timeless

  58. Nominations accepted! These just classed up the room. And webcomics are perfectly fine -- consider all the doodles you see on the "real" typosphere.

    I've put 'em on the blogroll, and I'll start locating them on the map.

  59. I'm Giordana.

    I'm a typist (Underwood 5) in the Boston Typewriter Orchestra. Naturally, I live in Boston.

    Some tippy tippy tap brrrring happens on our site

    We write mostly about upcoming shows, press, etc. We post our music here, too, such as:

    The revolution will be typewritten!

  60. Hi. Rob Bowker has only just alerted me to this, so here goes:
    My name is Robert Messenger, I live in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. I own the Australian Typewriter Museum and am the author the "The Magnificent Five: And 250 Other Great Things About Portable Typewriters". My blog is at:

  61. Hi. Rob Bowker has only jut alerted me to this now, so here goes:
    My name is Robert Messenger, I live in Canberra, Australian Capital Terriory, Australia. I own the Australian Typewriter Museum and am the author of "The Maghnificent Five: And 250 Other Great Things About Portable Typewriters". My blog is at:

  62. Rob from Winnipeg here.

    I don't have a blog dedicated to typewriters (yet) but my general and future typecast blog is at

  63. Thought I would add--I just started a typewriter podcast. The blog/shownotes can be found at

  64. I'm Vikram Shah, and I'm in the Chicagoland area. My blog can be found at

    Basically it's about anything I'm interested in, which can range from typewriters to film cameras to poetry to fountain get the picture :)

  65. My name is Dwayne Fuhlhage and I live in the Kansas City metro area. My day job involves regulatory management and green building standards work. My blog is at:

    I have an intentionally broad blog subject range due to wide ranging and rapidly shifting interests. Typecasting will be a continual theme and will appear frequently. I love typewriters, machines, cars, robots, space toys, vintage electronics, modern and vintage cameras and photography.

  66. Hi Dwayne, welcome aboard! You're linked and on the map now, so there's no escape.

  67. I'm Michael. I just moved to the Denver/Boulder area (right in between the two so I'm not sure exactly which to claim yet. Popular city or the hipster paradise? Probably hipstersville)

    My blog is fairly new at the moment. Replacing some older blogs and sites for my attention. It's my writing and writer-phanalia blog. So not all typewriters, other retro-writer tech and also general writerly thoughts (if I can summon them up)

  68. My name's Glenn and I write from the Delaware Valley in Western New Jersey.

    I'm trying to run a typecast BLOG at:

    I'm hoping to put together a series of observations on being a, novice, writer, fountain pen collector and ham radio operator.

  69. Hi, my name is Andrea, I'm from Padua (Italy) and I've just started a typecast at:

    I'm not going to write about typewriters only, but I'm gonna write with typewriters only :-)

    The typecast is titled "tr0x - a musical project" because I'm a musician!

  70. I hope it's not too late to add myself. I only recently discovered the typosphere and love it!

    My name is ray but going by the name of typebarhead for now as I venture into typecasting in my first blog,

    Currently in Los Angeles.

  71. Hi! Im Tristan Walker and I live in sunny Seattle, WA. I have a typecast at

    I just found the typosphere and the art of typing on a manual (ive been typing on a eletric for the past 5 years). I write about pretty much about everything, as long as its on my Underwood Champion. If you have any questions you can email me at, I hope to be a part of the community!

  72. Hey, I hope you are still checking comments on this post. My friend and I do this tumblr blog:
    and we use a lot of typewriters. I think your fans will enjoy it and it will help me become more known in the typoshpere. If you could add it to your blog list on the right side that would be very very cool. Thanks!

  73. Oh, and I am Mark in Blacksburg Virginia if you want to add a pin to your map.

  74. Hi!
    I've started a typecasting blog in Italian at:

    Share a comment if you understand Italian :-D

  75. Here is my new blog, looks good so far, might change up the look and make it better but I think I am off to a good start. Please add it to your list, thanks!

  76. Oh my, I feel like a minuscule speck in a room full of juggernauts! I do hope my humble submission shall be accepted here; I'm very new to this, and thus far, only have two typewriters! (A little assistance in remedying that, please!?)

    Nome De Plume: Anna Strad


    Location: My hometown is Tombstone, AZ. I currently live in Southern California.

    Thank you for your consideration!

  77. I finally decided to leave a comment. I'm Bill MacLane I live in Florida and would rather live elsewhere. I'm an electronics engineer, former broadcast engineer, photographer and fire fighter. I like old stuff and I use fountain pens, typewriters and old cameras. My blog is:

  78. I am Cest, I live near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. I blog here:

    It's a blog following my progress through a challenge that I took up to write three different stories at the same time. Each week I upload another page or two of progress. It's pretty lame but it keeps me true to the challenge.

  79. Hello All,

    G.W. here, presently located in NE Alabama on the tail end of the Appalachian Plateau in the Little River Canyon. My current blog is located at:

    Presently my blog is posted in an abbreviated handwritten note on my folding, hinged slate chalkboard. However, I also expound on the note in a computer generated post for clarification...if the reader is so inclined to explore further.

    I don't have a typewriter at the moment, but have high hopes of owner another one some day.

    Happy reading!

  80. Um, guess I should have stated the name of my blog...DUH!

    The Mind of No Mind and Pursuing Impulse Control in the Collecting of:

    Really Cool, Antiquated, Ancient, American Made Relics -- Is there really anything else worthy of my devotion?

    Okay, happy reading...again!

  81. Bell Stone here in NE Alabama. I do have a blog listed here, but it is technically a chalkcast, using chalk and a chalkboard. However, I just started a new blog using a Smith-Corona Super Sterling! My blog title is PaperBundler and you can find it at

    Thank You

  82. Hey all, I'm JP, a student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. Figured it was time to start a blog to contribute to the typosphere...

    I figure I'll end up posting my typewriters and those I end up picking up along the way as well as some stuff from public typing adventures (already had some mentions in Mark's blog) and probably post up some stuff from my other interests (cars, cooking, and other projects, to name a few)

  83. hello, greetings from the other side of the globe, singapore. i blog about all things related to typewriters here

    cheers! :)

  84. I am Nat from the land of upside downs (Australia) and my humble blog is:

    Random musings with my horde of typers and lovin' the typewritten journey.

  85. Hi,
    Slavezombie, a.k.a. Bier De Stone, here. Dropped in to say hello and plug my blog,, a work in progress. Don't be a stranger and look me up when you're in the vicinity of Tinsel Town

  86. Saying hello! I'm Lindy, an Orange County, CA transplant. I will be starting to dabble in typecasting soon on my blog at It's all about writing, creativity, inspiration, humor, music, books, art and other odds and ends. I have a typewriter called Beulah Hidegard Francis that I will be writing with.

    Happy to have stumbled on this site.


  87. My name's Daryl Nash, from Tennessee.

    I do blog occasionally about my adventures with typewriters. My last novel was mostly drafted on several because I couldn't pick just one.

    I'm doing a round-up of my current typewriters on my blog right now, starting here:

  88. I was sure I had commented here already... My mistake.

    My name's Miguel Chavez, from Mexico City, Mexico, and my blog is called Modernidad y Obsolescencia:

    It's "A chronicle of computers, typewriters, and technological archaeology", though more than 90% of its contents to date deal with my passionate lova affair with my typewriters. Main language: Spanish, currently featuring English typecasts of most new entries.

  89. I think I'm on the blogroll but not the map:
    Kevin L. Ferguson from Brooklyn NY and my blog is

  90. Map should be up to date now, but please shout if I've missed anyone.

  91. I would like to vote for's inclusion into the blogroll.

  92. Well-spotted, Ted. It's on the blogroll now.

  93. I hereby Nominate Bryan Beach's blog for the typosphere roll call:

    He's one of our local Phoenix collectors who's been a regular at the type-ins. Just found out he has a blog (:

  94. Oh, here it is! Couldn't find this. Thanks to Rev Munk I now did.

    So here I go:

    I started blogging a long long time ago and moved to this URL in April 2009. Since I bought my first typewriter in October 2012 I kinda only blog about typewriters these days.

    My preferred nom de plume is Spider (Webz). It's an alternate name that I use even more than my birth name.

    Oh, and I live in the Netherlands.

  95. I forgot to tell you to update Philosophothought to Tacoma, Washington due to my move last year from Michigan. This is me telling you now and authorising you to make the necessary adjustments.

  96. Got it, Nick. Thanks for the update.

  97. Found another typospherian, not in the blog roll yet:

  98. we got a live one:

    I vote to add to the roll call (:

  99. I also nominate:

    for their pretty much constant use of typewriters in political action (:

  100. Good finds, Ted. I'll put them in the blogroll.

  101. Hello Typosphere - Erik in Mesa, AZ here. I recently caught this typing disease and was pleased to find so many fellow sufferers here. My typecast/blog is: . I'm still getting my footing, so things are sparse right now. I hope to use it for creative posts and the occasional geekout with accompanying photos.

  102. I am Mark Adams of San Jose, California.

    My blog is already included in the Typosphere, but I'd like to formally introduce myself. I am a collector and enthusiast. My site --

    My blog contains commentary and history, and is limited to typewriters.

    Also, how does one add a live blogroll to ones website?

  103. Thanks for adding me to the blogroll.

    My name is Patrick Wang, I am a filmmaker in New York. Manual typewriters are new to me, but I feel I have discovered a third arm, thoughtlessly neglected all this time. In just a few months with my Olympia, I am certain my writing (and thinking) has changed for the better.

    My blog is

    I am elated to discover this rich community, the typosphere. Thank you everyone for your wonderful writing.

  104. Hello, I'm Cindy and I live in San Francisco, CA.

    I (mostly) typecast at

    A lot of my posts are about typewriters, rotary phones and other forms of obsolete technology.

    Check it out if you're really bored and have nothing else to do. :)

  105. Hi There!

    NDStokes would be most honoured to be located on the typosphere somewhere in the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio, please. I just started blogging my interests in typewriters, aged tech, mathematics, writing, and old tools on,

    Who knows what odd topics the blog will randomly wander betwixt - I'm rather eager to find that out myself. If it's any good, I'll be delighted. If it's abstruse esoterica of a baffling and confusing nature, then I shall also be suitably gleeful. I'll just be glad to make the world a little bit stranger. After all, we always endeavour to be polite to strangers.

  106. Welcome ND Stokes,

    I, too, have a typewriter (SCM Classic 12) and a slide rule.

    Steve in South Carolina

  107. Thanks, Steve. My daughter had a SCM Classic 12 that was a nifty little machine - very nice (until one of the typeslugs flew off and pinged her on the head). She now dabbles with a 1965 Royal Mercury.

    Slide rules aplenty, here. :-)

  108. Got a new submission for inclusion into the blogroll:

  109. Long overdue maintenance on the blogroll and map page: sorry for the delays everyone! Real life sometimes pushes its way into the 'sphere.

  110. I am JoshBeta1 (I prefer to hide my real name because I can't translate the two surnames that I have). But you all can call me Joshua (or Rebeca. I cross-dress sometimes)...xD

    I am a long-haired, dark-skinned native Mexican boy. An androgynous, indigenous Mexican boy. I live in Oaxaca City, in the state of Oaxaca, in Mexico. I write in three languages: Spanish (first language), English (second language), German and Aztec (a.k.a. Nahuatl. I am the first one that posts content in Aztec language). I also make my own drawings and I have posted about analogical technology, my own real life, my own drawings and the books that I write...xD

    My official websites are:

    I had posted some typecasts between the years 2006 and 2011, but I took them off because I considered it was a weird idea (I did it in Spanish only). But now that I have discovered some English-speakers that do typecasts and I decided don't be shy anymore and typecasting again...xD

  111. I'm Nick Bodemer and I collect portables made between 1920 and 1986 (although most are postwar Royals and Smith-Coronas.) My blog is called Timberline Typewriter (it used to be Royal Typewriters until I realized that most of my posts were other brands). I am based in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, and my URL is
