Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two Weeks to Go Time

November is just under two weeks away. Have you thrown your hat into the Typewriter Brigade ring? Consider using a typewriter for your draft this year, so you don't get trampled by this guy: Nano Rhino


  1. Where did you get that rhino?

    I noticed he made an appearance at our recent mini type-in.

    I'd like to get a rhino so that I can keep an eye on him while I'm slaving away at writing next month!

  2. Where did you get the rhino? He made an appearance at our recent mini type-in.

    I'd like to have a rhino so that I can make sure to keep an eye on him during November!

  3. The NaNo Rhino came from a local "super discount" store that sells all sorts of random junk. I can pick up another one if they still have them next time I'm by it. He cost all of fifty cents -- one cent per thousand words!

  4. Okay... hmm. Perhaps some of us have distanced ourselves too far from the technology of this post-moral age; been too long in the typospheric mindset...

    Can someone explain how to join the forum?
