Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Type Rider

Maybe well-timed, considering the recent movie trailer for On the Road, but Maya Stein is going to head out with a bike and a typewriter and a head full of poetry and trace a route that looks like it's going to come within shouting distance of many in the Typosphere.

She's got a Kickstarter page up about the project. Anyone out there in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, or Wisconsin? (That's a silly question: of course there are.)


  1. Very cool. I've just become a backer.

    Fact is, I'm jealous!!

  2. Who wouldn't be? And such good value top be part of the action! Hope she gets funded.

  3. Thank you for this wonderfully unexpected PR! What a treat to see my project here!

    And to Richard and Rob, big thanks for your generous pledges. I look forward to keeping you posted as the journey unfolds. (By the way, I'm also seeking fellow riders to join me on any of the legs of my trip, so if either of you have the interest or inclination, you're hereby invited.)



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