Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Be a movie star

Posted: 2013-03-24, 9:20PM PDT

Casting for Feature 'Typewriter', actresses and actors needed 22-35

"Typewriter" is a new Motion Picture from Award Winning Director R. Hall. The project will be a feature film about an author named Eddie, who is currently at work with a crime novel. It's set to take place back and forth from his experiences in real life and how he transcribes them in parable onto his page. He's also probably the last person on Earth to use a typewriter. We are planning on shooting a "Pitch Trailer" for the film to gain financing for a September shoot. Our planned budget hopes to be a tad more than $100,000. If cast, we'd like you to help shoot the pitch trailer with us and once we get financing, come back on board and shoot the whole movie. And yes, if we get our proposed budget you will get paid :)

Please send your headshot and resume for consideration

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: no pay

Posting ID: 3702013344
Posted: 2013-03-24, 9:20PM PDT
Edited: 2013-03-24, 9:43PM PDT


  1. "probably the last person on Earth to use a typewriter". well buddy, you are not alone.
