Thursday, May 8, 2014

2014 London type-in/out

The 2014 London type-in/out will be held in the South Kensington area. The meetingplace will be the Science Museum entrance. If it's raining, we will meet right inside the entrance, otherwise by the benches outside.

The plan then will be: If raining or forecasted to rain, go to the Hoop & Toy pub (same as last year's type-in location). If clear, go to a selected outdoor location with convenient tables and shelters for a type-out.


  1. Would love to join you, but the distances are great. Just know that we will be with you in heart and spirit
    Have a magical time!
    Don L in Wisconsin, and friends from all over the Typosphere!
    Report back to us!

  2. Best of lucks, and happy typing!!

  3. Greetings, this is Michael McGettigan -- tough to admit, was in London, got to your event late (we were tied up with the Brompton Urban Challenge) and never found your shady spot ... how did the event go? Do please let us know...
    -- Mike
