Monday, December 7, 2015

The Santa Claus Revolution?

It appears news of Richard's book has reached even the ears of the Jolly Old Elf, for his Portland, Oregon incarnation has a very familiar accessory at hand. Please disregard the unfortunate man-bun on the big guy.

Of course, Santa's no stranger to these classics. Maybe thanks to The Typewriter Revolution, a few more will wind up under the tree this year?

Portable Smith Corona Typewriter, Santa Claus magazine ad, 1960s


  1. Not only is Santa a Typewriter Insurgent, he's apparently also a Dudeist Priest, judging by his sweater..

  2. The Claus abides. And the chair really ties the whole thing together.

  3. I saw a S-C Silent Super in this same color at an antique mall earlier this year, would've picked it up but the previous owner has engraved their SSN boldly on the front of the ribbon cover. :(

    I always suspected Santa was a typewriter aficionado. Congrats again on the success of your book.

  4. Now we know how Santa keeps his list of naughty and nice.
