Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Seattle type-in May 28

May 28, 2017, Sunday,  1- 3 pm

Library meeting room,  8016 Greenwood Ave N.,  Seattle, WA (admission is free)

Questions? call or text David Bark @ (206)-851-7464

 What is a type-IN? A place for people to get together who like to type on typewriters.

 Should I bring anything? Bring your typewriter if you have one, and if you don't have a typewriter come anyway if you would like to learn more about them. There will be at least one or two that you can try typing on.

 The library opens at 1 pm. No alcoholic beverages, please. 


  1. Thanks very much Dave for setting up this Type-In! I was fascinated by the strange setup on your Smith-Corona Sterling. I think the special device someone had made is what is keeping the machine from shifting, and that it had to have been made by a repairman. It is too well made to be anything else. It was great to meet Shaun there too, and hear of his interest in typeface variations.

    All the best,

    David Randall

  2. Thank you David, I pulled it out and the shifter worked fine but it would only type the top of the letters; the basket was not getting all the
    way back up. I added springs, took them out, and finally it was part of the backspace linkage being hit by the shift linkage coming up. That fixed it. I wrote a story about it, 'The $10 Dollar Typewriter'. It took me about 3 hours to fix so I think I earned the ten dollar price I paid cor it.
