Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On The Map

I've just compiled the results from the comments in the first post and spend a little time getting the approximate locations on the map. Three things:
  1. I tried to be faithful to your original post: if I've posted too much (or too little) you can drop me a note.
  2. I do know where some of you are, generally (Rino) but not specifically enough to plunk an icon on the map. Corrections welcome!
  3. I plan to be adding everyone as "authors" to the site, meaning you can post articles of interest (like upcoming type-ins, or whatever.) Stay tuned for an announcement about that, and potentially an email from Blogger, if I can find an email address for you. UPDATE: invites sent to those I have email addresses for. I have not started digging around on your blogs to find them yet.
Now go forth and enmapinate!


  1. I'm in Tacoma, WA. A bit South of Ryan and Justin.

  2. That's strange--no one in the midwest.

  3. I'm in the midwest (Cincinnati).

  4. (The midwest is included in "Central US" on Mike's map.)

  5. The breakdown of the US regions is pretty arbitrary right now, though I hope we'll see more members join up from the heartland. I'm sure they're out there...

  6. Considering the number of people who follow my blog, I would have thought there were many, many more people.

    Where's the heartland? Where's the rest of Europe?? haha

  7. There was a thread somewhere about scanning and making full-page width typecasts. I wondered what the fuss was about - until I tried it earlier today. Blogger was having none of my 630px foolishness, flickr neither. And then I remembered my 2Gb free account. If you put a suitable width file in a "public" folder on dropbox, you can grab its url and use that in blogger. Worked great for me. When you fill your account, move on to, and so on. Hope that helps anyone frustrated using unfeasibly wide margins.

  8. Rob, you can also join flickr and become part of the Anablogger Archives group. There is a monthly upload cap for free flickr accounts, but dumping them all in the group makes them findable, even whenflickr decides to hide your older things (which they do after 200 files.)

    There's a link on the main page under "Resources" and I did a little write-up about it.

    I resize all my blog postings to fit the width of my own layout: 432px, or 6 inches at 72px/inch. As long as I remember to set the margins on the typewriter accordingly, I typically am typcasting at "actual size."

  9. Hi, love the map. Just a thought and sorry for trying to look cleverer than I am, but had you thought of using the My Maps feature of Google Maps? Happy to help if you think it is worth a go. Rob

  10. Rob, I thought about Google maps. I wasn't sure if it would tie to my own personal Google account, which I don't really want it to do. This is the Typosphere's blog, I'm just the midwife. The handsome, talented midwife.

    Also: Google maps lack cool "typewriter" location pins. :-) On the plus side, I don't have to sit there and try to approximate Switzerland's location. If there's a way to rig one up that's somehow tied to the blog and not to me personally, I'm all for it.

  11. OK, have posted a dynamic typosphere here:

    It is sized for the typosphere blog width of 430px.

    I can't send the embed code as this comment box (understandably) won't let me. You can grab it from the above page from the page source. The Phrase begins <iframe...

    I used a "convenience" google profile connected to a a account, I have lots :-)

    I can easily add collaborators to the map, but it does require an e-mail address. You are welcome to mail me at

    Or happy to add 'pins' if you have a list.

    Typewriter key "T" OK?

  12. PS: Because of Google Map's potential accuracy, I have placed my pin within the general vicinity of where I live, not precisely at my street address. Important consideration for personal safety.

  13. Yeah, I'd rather not have anything but a very vague state only location for us.


  14. Cool! I'm in Brisbane, Australia, on the eastern side of the continent.

    Climate: sub-tropical (ie: humid).

    Typewriter proliferation: mostly remingtons and brothers and a few oldies goldies.

    Market: mostly antiquers; but sometimes a Lettera 22 can go for $70+.,+Australia&ll=-27.142257,153.023071&spn=2.512406,4.938354&z=8&iwloc=A

  15. I'm working on a blog and will let you know when it's up and running. In the meantime, I'm located in Milford, NJ.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. @Rich Polinski: congrats, you are on the map! Currently showing at

  18. I'd like to be added as a site author, how would I go about doing that?

  19. Tori (and anyone else), if you want authorship rights, just send an email to me at mpclemens (at) gmail dot com. I'll be happy to add you, but I need an address to send the invite to, and it's surprisingly tricky to do from blogs (probably a good thing, in the end.)
