Saturday, January 7, 2012


Is International Typewriter Appreciation Month going to be an annual event?  Only the typosphere knows for sure.
link goes to last year's commemorative stamp.


  1. Perhaps local events in honor of ITAM would be in order. We have until next month to plan stuff. Is anyone out there going to do something to commemorate ITAM?

  2. Why limit the appreciation of typewriters to only one month? I appreciate them all the time; especially when I am using one.

  3. I think February is the perfect time for ITAM. And it's a leap year, so we get an extra day of celebration this year!

  4. We should do something. I had frankly forgotten about it! A correspondent recently wrote to me about ITAM and I wrote back asking what that stood for! Duh.

  5. Richard,
    If we all had skype perhaps we could skype a type-in.

  6. I'm down for Feb. Maybe we Washingtonians could swing another Seattle type-in?

  7. Bill M, its not so much limiting it typewriter appreciation to one month, but focused typewriter celebration with those that may not be aware. It worked well last year and gave everyone a reason to jump back into their passion after the holiday season and may have even helped bring more into the typosphere.

    Plus, it gets us all in the right mindset for Typewriter Day in June:)
