Saturday, March 17, 2012

Denver TV news typewriter story

A Denver TV news show has devoted five precious minutes to the typewriter revival. They gush over a cursive Smith-Corona and show a local repairman.

Story here.


  1. The three moderators seem a bit crazy... I think we've seen better coverage, but it's always nice...

  2. I agree with Florian, the hosts are a bit flakey. Seems like they are very inexperienced in anything but reading the teleprompter, but the good thing is the STORY -- 5 minutes and a good interview with the local typewriter repairman. Good story even if the anchors are a bit silly.

  3. It's just really exciting to see one typewriter feature after another.

    I'm also happy that it opened with an Olivetti Studio 45. ( :

  4. Good story, in spite of the vacuous, almost clueless vibe of these news folks.

    This increase in typewriter publicity reminds me of how a tiny town in southeastern Arizona, where I owned a house a decade ago, got DISCOVERED after a feature article about the town appeared in Sunset magazine. The town was over-run with new people, and the fun, special atmosphere disappeared as home prices skyrocketed.

  5. Good story and great typewriters. It's good to know that ypewriters are having more media coverage.

  6. Very nice. It's good to see we are no longer considered as strange as before. Must be like having an old car that suddenly becomes a collectible classic.

  7. Very flaky presenters. What was that nice old machine the repairman was tapping on?
